Thursday, February 27, 2020

Orphanage, comment on Orphange by Wendy Wilder Larsen and I met You in Essay

Orphanage, comment on Orphange by Wendy Wilder Larsen and I met You in the Orphanage yard by Thich Nhat Hanh - Essay Example The word orphanage is an ugly one. It has Dickensian overtones of cruelty to children who are already dealt the dreadful catastrophe of losing their parents. These days, there are few or no orphanages in the Western world: the economies of prosperous countries are such that their birth rates are dropping, with the result that any unparented children quickly find a home. The aftermath of war, anywhere, however, brings about a raft of children whose fate is to survive (Williams 2003) and to find themselves at the mercy of host countries after being herded into orphanages in the theatre of conflict itself. Because conflicts kill, and kill mostly adults. Global diasporas caused by wars carry many streams of people (Williams 2003) many of whom are children. The two poems in the spotlight show a surface similarity - they are both about children left parentless by war, but, since they are written by a woman and a man with a polarity of cultures, many differences - subtle and overt - are to be found. Larsen’s poem illustrates the well-meaning but wildly inconsiderate actions that take place after any catastrophe: how (generally) white Western people offer charity without thinking of the consequences, either immediate or long-term. ‘I went with balloons, hard candies, / old National Geographics’(Mahony 1998): it is bewildering to anyone who has worked with the homeless and parentless to see the perceptions of those who have never experienced a moment of having absolutely nothing, not even a Mom. Good intentions often blow up in the face of the giver, and that is what happens in Larsen’s poem: the narrator brings gifts to an orphanage, only to find herself face to face with her own misapprehensions and lack of sensitivity. This can be taken as an analogy for countries who intervene into conflicts among communities of whose culture they have little or no idea, and of

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Should ASU make more parking seats Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Should ASU make more parking seats - Essay Example It is one of the state universities which have the most undergraduate population and hence it offers a vast number of academic as well as the extra and co circular activities which the student population avails. There are more five hundred clubs and organizations that the students can check out . The large student population of the Arizona State University has given birth to a lot of on campus problems that the students face and one of the most important issues is that of the insufficient parking options. There are many online student reviews where student state and share that one of the most least addressed issues of the university campus is that of the terrible parking options, hence the administration should pay special attention to this particular issue , making sure that the parking plans and the capacities are improved. There are some very costly parking options that have been provided to the students, where most students are left with no option but to park at the distance of fifty nine. The parking plans which have been offered are not cost efficient and cost at least a hundred dollars to the parkers. At that is not it, as soon as the individual is done parking the car; he/she has to walk for another several minutes before reaching the desired destination. Comparatively, if we pay attention to the public transit area, it is in much better position where the students carrying their identification cards are given free bus passes . There is the Orbit Shuttle Service as well, which is free, offered in Tempe area. This particular service runs and hence can be availed after every fifteen minutes. However this service is mostly crowded and sometimes you can pass it up as well. The other campuses such as the Tempe, Poly , Downtown and West have the free shuttle services as well. Arizona State University is one of those state