Sunday, April 26, 2020

Essay Writing - What Is Culture Shock?

Essay Writing - What Is Culture Shock?If you are a parent, you might wonder what culture shock is and what purpose it serves. This article will explain what culture shock is and what its purpose is.Culture shock is a common term used to describe the various and often difficult social changes that occur with the arrival of a new or a different culture. This culture shock can be very painful and can cause a great deal of stress on both the person who has come from the new culture and on their families. This is usually more common in the early years, when the first interactions between the person and the new culture can be rough. It can be even worse when it involves family members who do not speak the language.As well as causing stress for the person who has come from the culture shock, the culture shock can also result in anxiety and depression in the child, making the adjustment that much harder. It can even result in new physical ailments in some people, such as an increased chance of the flu, or in asthma.There are many things that you need to consider when writing about culture shock in your essay writing. You need to make sure that you write about your feelings in a calm and reasonable way. Try to ensure that you do not use inaccurate or racist language in your essay. You need to avoid using terms like 'Oh my God' and other expressions that might cause offence.In writing your own essay, you may find it difficult to use this expression without feeling a bit defensive. However, you should try to use a neutral tone in your essay and avoid any stereotypical descriptions of the culture. You also need to avoid using the term 'American culture'. However, you can use the term 'American'.When you are writing about the cultural difference, you must also consider what effect this might have on the local education system. As an example, if your own culture has a higher literacy rate than that of the local community, you may want to mention this in your essay. If you do not include this in your essay, your reader might not know that your own culture has a higher literacy rate, which might be quite offensive to some people.You should also try to incorporate your research into your essay. When you are writing about a culture shock, you will often find that the literature of the country that you came from is very different from that of the one you are visiting. When you include information about this in your essay, you will help your reader to understand more about the culture shock and will make it easier for them to relate to your essay.

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