Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Critical Analysis of My Strengths and Weaknesses in the...

A Critical Analysis of My Strengths and Weaknesses in the skills of Assertiveness Assertiveness enables us to act in our own best interests, to stand up for ourselves without undue anxiety, to exercise personal rights without denying the rights of others, and to express our feelings honestly and comfortably (Alberti amp; Emmons, 2008). Within interpersonal communication, the skill of assertion is absolutely vital; it is a skill we are constantly utilising either consciously or unconsciously. Through nurturing the skill of assertiveness a person may have fruitful relationships with family, friends, peers, superiors and subordinates (Rakos, 1997) based on honesty and equality. The skill of Assertiveness can be viewed in differently†¦show more content†¦An example of this in my practical was when the woman, who was trying to return a phone which was out of warranty said â€Å"you must understand where I’m coming from† in response to this I said â€Å"of course I do Miss X, I was in your position just over a year ago before I began to work here and you are handling the situation much better than I did.† The woman who prior to this piece of dialogue was getting rather agitated seemed to calm down and come to terms with what I was trying to explain. Hargie states that empathic assertion conveys sensitivity to the other person thus allowing that person to feel understood and not undermined. Although I had a number of Strengths throughout my practical I also had quite a few weaknesses which are illustrated by my personal assertiveness inventory score which was +9, although the class average was +2, my score still showed that I can be assertive but find it quite difficult. One of the weaknesses I noticed was that I failed to keep eye contact with the person in my practical; this was a major flaw and undoubtedly hindered my assertiveness. At quite regular intervals, namely when the discussion was getting a bit heated, I tended to look at the desk in front of me rather than focus on the other person. Gaze aversion is typically an intentional act, you may be unsure of yourself and do not want him/her to see it in your eyes (Richmond amp; McCroskey, 2000). This was probably the case in myShow MoreRelatedInterpersonal Communication Is An Effective Communicator1574 Words   |  7 Pagespossesses and practices effective interpersonal/communicational skills. 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